These regulations are temporary and will be subject to approval and amendments by the General Assembly of the association by a 2/3 majority of active members. The next General Assembly will take place in February 2025.



Article 1 : Creation and Legal Framework

In accordance with Dahir No. 1-58-376 of November 15, 1958, modified by Dahir No. of July 23, 2002, a non-profit association is established, called « AIoT Africa ».

Article 2: Duration

The association is constituted for an unlimited period.

Article 3: Head Office

The head office is located at 37, Avenue Fal Oul Oumeir and Rue Oukeimeden, Apartment 4, Rabat Agdal, Morocco. Il peut être transféré par décision de l’Assemblée Générale à une autre ville du Royaume. L’association peut établir des regional chapters in Africa and international partnerships to promote its objectives.

Article 4 : Mission

The association aims to promote, accelerate and support the adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in Africa.
It acts as a facilitator between technological, academic and industrial players to:
   - Promote the creation of an IoT and AI ecosystem in Africa.
   - Stimulate innovation and applied research.
   - Support skills and training in these technologies.
   - Promoting sustainable development through IoT and AI.
   Encourage public-private partnerships in Research and Development.


Article 5: Activities

The association organizes:
   – Conferences, workshops and training on AI and IoT.
   – Publications and newsletters on industry trends.
   – Think tanks and expert committees.
   – Support for innovative projects and academic and industrial collaborations.

Article 6: Financial Resources

Resources come from:
   - Membership contributions and subscriptions.
   - Public subsidies and local authorities.
   - Donations, legacies and partnerships.
   - Income from Research and Development activities.
International financing will be subject to declarations in accordance with Moroccan regulations.


Article 7: Categories of Members

The association includes:
   – Founding members : People at the origin of the association.
   – Active members : Participants in activities and voting rights.
   – Supporting members : Financial and institutional support.
   – Honorary members : People who have rendered eminent services.

Article 8: Conditions of Membership

To become an active member, you must:
   - Submit a membership application to the Office.
   - Be approved by the association's office.
   - Pay the annual fee.
   - Participate in at least one face-to-face or online meeting.

Article 9: Loss of Membership

A member can be excluded for:
   - Non-payment of contributions.
   - Behavior detrimental to the association.
   - Voluntary resignation.


Article 10: Executive Office

The association is managed by a Bureau elected for three (3) years, composed of :
   1- A President
   2- A Vice-President
   A Secretary General
   4- A Deputy Secretary General
   5- A Treasurer
   6- A Deputy Treasurer
   7- Assessors (optional)
The Office ensures the good management of the association and can appoint representatives for the international chapters.

Article 11: Key Roles

  – The President represents the association and validates expenses.
   – The Secretary General manages administration and archives.
   – The Treasurer ensures financial management and prepares the annual report.

Article 12: General Assembly

The General Assembly (GA) meets once a year to approve the reports, elect the Bureau and set strategic orientations.
A Extraordinary AGM may be convened if necessary, at the request of the Bureau or a third of the members.


Article 13: Creation and Management of Chapters

Chapters may be established in other African countries and internationally subject to the approval of the Bureau.
Each chapter:
   1- Follows the principles of the association.
   2- To a local coordinator appointed by the Office.
   3- Reports on its activities and finances annually.

The General Assembly can decide to dissolve the association by a majority of 2/3 of the active members.

In the event of dissolution, the remaining assets will be assigned to an association with similar objectives.

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