Article 1 :

In accordance with Dahir n°: 1-58-376 of 3 Joumada I 1378 (November 15, 1958) as it was modified and supplemented by the Dahir bearing law n° of 12 Jumada 1 1423 (July 23, 2002) , there is formed between the members of these statutes a non-profit association designated under the name of “AIoT Africa».

Article 2 :

The duration of the association is unlimited.

Article 3 :

The head office of the Association is established at 37, Avenue de France Agdal, Rabat, Morocco.
The headquarters of the association may be transferred to any other location in a city in the Kingdom by decision of the General Assembly taken by an absolute majority of the members present.

Article 4 :

AIoT-Africa's mission is to contribute to the promotion, acceleration and adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in Morocco and Africa, while supporting the development and promotion of best operational practices in these areas.

Article 5 :

The association aims to:
– Contribuer au développement et l’usage des solutions et technologies IoT et IA sur le
marché Marocain.
– Assurer le développement d’un écosystème de partenaires technologiques, industriels et

– Favoriser la formation et le développement des compétences dans le domaine de l’IA et
de l’IoT.
Promoting Public Private Partnership in Research and Development
- Promote Sustainable Development through the use of IoT and AI technologies.

– Réaliser des activités événementielles, de veille, de transfert et de communication visant
l’avancement des politiques publiques et sociales dans les domaines du numérique, de
l’Internet des Objets et de l’Intelligence Artificielle et de la cybersécurité.
– Établir des partenariats avec d’autres associations dans le domaine de l’IA et de l’IoT, aussi
bien au Maroc qu’à l’étranger, afin de favoriser l’échange de connaissances, l’innovation
et la création de synergies bénéfiques pour l’avancement de ces technologies.

Ces engagements découlent d’une volonté intrinsèque d’excellence scientifique et
académique, visant à offrir un soutien optimal aux utilisateurs des technologies de l’IA et de
l’IoT au Maroc et en Afrique. L’objectif est de promouvoir une utilisation judicieuse et
efficace de ces technologies afin de répondre aux besoins variés de la société marocaine,
garantissant ainsi une adoption plus large et éclairée de l’IA et de l’IoT dans le pays.

Article 6 :

The activities of the association are:
  - Organize scientific and technical events of national, regional or international interest, adapted to the specific needs and challenges encountered in the field of Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and cybersecurity.
  - Publish a newsletter providing relevant information, analyzes and recent advances in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things.
  - Lead think tanks dedicated to issues related to Artificial Intelligence Technologies, the Internet of Things and security, thus promoting the exchange of ideas and collaboration between experts.
  - Provide active support to any initiative aimed at the development and promotion of these technologies in Morocco and the region, whether through research projects, educational programs or awareness-raising actions.

Article 7 :

The association's resources come from:
  - Membership contributions and subscriptions,
  - Subsidies from the state and local authorities,
  - Donations and legacies,
  - Revenues resulting from Research and development activities.

Article 8 :

L’association se compose de membres fondateurs, de membres adhérents, de membres titulaires, de membres bienfaiteurs et de membres d’honneur.
Pour devenir membre adhérent de l’association, il faut manifester un intérêt par sa formation, sa fonction ou sa qualité d’utilisation Internet et :
   - Send a written request to the president of the association,
   - Be approved by the association office,
   Have been physically present at at least one meeting;
   - Be 18 years old and over;
   - Have paid its annual membership fees, determined by the annual meeting of members;
The title of honorary member is conferred in tribute to people who have rendered eminent services to science, industry or the association. It is awarded by decision of the general assembly on a proposal from the office.

Article 9 :

The status of full member confers on the person concerned the right to be eligible for the various functions of the association. Any full or adherent member may vote by proxy signed and legalized by an absent adherent member in their name.
Membership of the association is lost by:
   - Resignation
   - Suspension pronounced by the office, for non-payment of the contribution or for serious reasons.

Article 10 :

The contribution is set according to the terms provided by the internal regulations. It can be modified by the general assembly on a proposal from the office.
People who have contributed significantly to the creation of the Association are considered founding members and will benefit for a specific period from the following specific advantages:
   - Exemption from individual membership fees;
   - A reserved place on the board of directors or advisory council, of the member's choice;
  - The privileged display of the name and logo of your company on the website and marketing documents of the organization, as a “Founding Member”;
The list of founding members is composed on the date of the first General Assembly of members transmitted to the authorities and cannot be modified subsequently. The benefits are individual and irrevocable, for the entire duration indicated below.

Article 11 :

  - The association is managed by an office elected by secret ballot or by acclamation by the General Assembly for a period of three (3) years.
   - The office is assisted, on the one hand, by a Technical Committee elected by the General Assembly for the duration of the office's mandate following the same terms and, on the other hand, by ad hoc commissions.

Article 12 :

  - The office is made up of a maximum of 7 (seven) members who elect from among themselves the President of the association.
  - After the election of the President, tasks are distributed to ensure the good management of the association in accordance with article 13 below.

Article 13 :

The office is composed of:
   - A president
   - A vice-president
   - A general secretary
   - A deputy secretary general
   - A treasurer
   - An assistant treasurer
   - One assessor or more.
The assessors can chair the ad-hoc commissions created during the mandate of the newly elected office.
In accordance with Dahir n°: 1-58-376 of 3 Joumada I 1378 (November 15, 1958) as it was modified and supplemented by the Dahir bearing law n° of 12 Jumada 1 1423 (July 23, 2002) , there is formed between the members of these statutes a non-profit association designated under the name of“AIoT Africa».

Article 14 :

  - The general assembly brings together the members of the association. The purpose of the meeting is briefly indicated in the letter or by electronic mail convocation sent to all members at least two weeks in advance.
   - The agenda, drawn up by the office, contains the proposals emanating from the office and those it received at least one week before the date of the meeting.
   - The president presides over the meeting or can be replaced by the vice-president in the event of his absence. The secretary general, his deputy or, failing that, a member of the office designated by the president serves as secretary of the Assembly.

Article 15 :

The extraordinary general meeting can be convened either by the office or at the request of a third of the members of the association.

Article 16 :

The office meets at least once every two months and whenever necessary, upon convocation by its president and, in case of incapacity, by the 1st Vice-president or, where applicable, by the Secretary General . Meetings may be by audio or video conference.

Article 17 :

The meetings of the council and the office are the subject of minutes signed jointly by the president and the general secretary.

Article 18 :

The members of the office ensure the permanent management of the association and ensure the achievement of its objectives, in accordance with the internal regulations.

Article 19 :

The President of the Association, or the person designated by him, ensures the proper running of the meetings of the office over which he presides, represents the association before the courts and in all acts of civil life. He or his designee is also responsible for approving expenses and signing checks.

The President, assisted by the Vice-President, coordinates the work of the commissions responsible for activities of a national, regional or international nature.

Article 20 :

The Secretary General, with the assistance of the Deputy Secretary General:
   - Prepares minutes of meetings and documents with the president;
   - Ensures the proper keeping of the association's archives;
   - Writes the moral report;
   - Manages the financial activities of the association.

Article 21 :

The General Treasurer, with the assistance of the Deputy General Treasurer:
   - Maintains the inventory and accounting of the association;
   - Ensures the proper keeping of the association's archives;
   - Writes the financial report;
   - Manages the activities of the association.

Article 22 :

  - The dissolution of the association may be pronounced, in accordance with the laws in force, by an extraordinary General Assembly convened for this sole purpose.
   - The dissolution is pronounced by vote of 2/3 of the members present.
  - The minutes of dissolution, drawn up by the Secretary General, signed by the President, are co-signed by the Secretary General and initialed by the other members of the office.
   - The said report is filed with the registry of the Court of First Instance of Rabat.
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